Five Questions to Ask Your Tax Accountant (CPA)

Now is the time to start looking for a good tax accountant or CPA. Pssst listen up! There is a shortage of good tax accountants and people are struggling to find one because they get booked up fast! Use these helpful questions when making the important decision on who you’ll hire to do your taxes (and don’t forget, the bookkeeper bridges the gap between you and your tax accountant, so make sure you have your books in order!).

WHAT AREA OF MY BUSINESS IS TOP PRIORITY ? You may want to direct your attention to something you've been neglecting - managing employees, hiring, marketing, bookkeeping.

WHAT IS MY STRATEGY FOR HIGHER PROFITABILITY AND EXPANSION? You can improve profitability by increasing revenues, cutting expenses, investing in marketing, negotiating with vendors, or implementing other strategies.

WHAT TYPE OF HELP DO I NEED? WHERE SHOULD I HIRE OR OUTSOURCE? No one can do it all. Do what you do best and outsource the rest. This gives you more time to do what you love and be with the people you love most.

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO MANAGE MY CASH FLOW? Cash flow allows you to cover expenses, pay your employees, reinvest in the business, pay off debts, give yourself a return on your investment, and you can plan for any cash shortages.

SHOULD I HAVE A DIFFERENT BUSINESS STRUCTURE? This will affect your taxes and your long-term goals.

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